The Curse of Greyface

The Curse of Greyface

Greyface preached that we should preserve Serious Order and eradicate spontaneity (and even play) at any and all costs. The Discordian “Curse of Greyface” refers to a psychological and spiritual imbalance that results from these beliefs

To choose order over disorder, or disorder over order is to accept a trip composed of both the creative and the destructive. But to choose the creative over the destructive is an all-creative trip composed of both order and disorder. To accomplish this, one need only accept creative disorder along with, and equal to, creative order, and also willing to reject destructive order as an undesirable equal to destructive disorder.

The Curse of Greyface included the division of life into order/disorder as the essential positive/negative polarity, instead of building a game foundation with creative/destructive as the essential positive/negative. He has thereby caused man to endure the destructive aspects of order and has prevented man from effectively participating in the creative uses of disorder. Civilization reflects this unfortunate division.

POEE proclaims that the other division is preferable, and we work toward the proposition that creative disorder, like creative order, is possible and desirable; and that destructive order, like destructive disorder, is unnecessary and undesirable.

We know nothing of mind, only the tinkerings of our soft tissue. The grey-matter of grey faces, staring out through occluded windows. What world exists behind our scaled viewing, as our lines of perception become the iron bars that keep us from ever becoming truly free. Standards of living in the times of an Empire that never ends. Positivism is the new theology, order is a deceptive fallacy, what we continue to reject is only what we will continue to reflect.

                     – Josh Fleming

Seek the Sacred Chao

Embrace the creative forces of order and disorder

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